Richard R. Ernst Prize
We are inviting nominations for the “Richard R. Ernst Prize in Magnetic Resonance” (The Ernst Prize), named after magnetic resonance pioneer and Nobel Laureate Prof. Richard R. Ernst, which will be awarded at the EUROMAR2025 in Finland to recognize ‘recent beneficial applications of Magnetic Resonance’.
The Ernst Prize is intended to award achievements going beyond fundamental research, for groundbreaking applications of new or of previously known techniques in all areas of magnetic resonance. It is intended for research published within the last three years, although the origins of the ideas and experiments may have been described in previous publications. In special cases, and at the discretion of the Prize Committee, the award may be for cumulative achievements over a longer period of time.
The Ernst Prize is intended to be awarded to a single individual; however, it may be awarded to up to three scientists if the Prize Committee deems that their contributions to the development of the applications are of equal value. Former prize recipients include Alex Pines (2016), Robert Griffin (2017), Claudio Luchinat (2018), Daniella Goldfarb and Angela Gronenborn (2019), Clare Grey (2020), Lucio Frydman and Jan-Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen (2021), Harald Schwalbe (2022), Jack Freed and Lucia Banci (2023), Andrew Webb and Bernhard Blümich (2024).
The Prize comes with a purse of 15,000 Euros; it is sponsored by the Bruker BioSpin Corporation, and is awarded annually at the EUROMAR conference.
Nominations must include and fulfill the following conditions:
- Nominations must include the nominee’s name, affiliation, address, phone number, and e-mail
- Nominations must include a brief (ca. 200 words) description of the work serving as the basis for the nomination, and a list of relevant publications (~5)
- Nominees may not have received the Guenther Laukien Prize in the preceding five years
- Self-nominations are not accepted
- Nominations for the 2025 Ernst Prize will be considered until April 15, 2025
- Nominations should be sent to Lucio Frydman, Chair of the Ernst Prize Committee.
Raymond Andrew Prize
In memory of Professor Dr. Raymond Andrew and to honour his pioneering work in the field of magnetic resonance, the AMPERE Group has established the Raymond Andrew Prize. The prize is awarded to young scientists for an outstanding PhD thesis in Magnetic Resonance.
For the Raymond Andrew Prize 2025 the AMPERE Prize Committee is seeking your help in searching for qualified candidates who completed their dissertation during the period of 2023/2024. The prize will be presented during EUROMAR2025 in Oulu.
Prize call and previous prize winners can be found at (deadline for nominations: February 15, 2025). Email nominations to
Ampere Prize for Young Investigators
The Ampere Prize for Young Investigators is intended for an early-career independent researcher less than ten years after graduating with a PhD degree in recognition of his/her achievements in the field of Magnetic Resonance. The prize is awarded biannually. The 2025 prize will be presented during EUROMAR2025 in Oulu.
Prize call can be found at (deadline for nomination: February 15, 2025).
Email nominations to:
JMR/JMRO Young Investigator Awards
Elsevier sponsors four JMR/JMRO Young Scientist Awards at the annual EUROMAR conference, consisting each of a cheque for US $ 500, a one-year electronic subscription to the Journal of Magnetic Resonance, and a Certificate. The awards will be given to graduate students or post-doctoral fellows, whose unsolicited submissions for an oral presentation have been selected based on excellence by the EUROMAR scientific program committee. Before their oral presentations, the awardees are announced as winners of the “JMR/JMRO Young Scientist Awards” by the session chair or an editor of JMR/JMRO.
MRC Poster Awards
The Wiley journal Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (MRC) will sponsor two 150 € poster awards. They will be awarded by the scientific committee on the basis of submitted abstracts, to outstanding contributions by young scientists working in the development or applications of magnetic resonance in chemistry.
Shimon Vega Travel Award
The Shimon Vega Travel Award was established by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in memory of Prof. S. Vega, who for many decades was an active lecturer and participant at EUROMAR. The travel award consists of $1,000 and is given to a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow researching in the fields of solid-state NMR and/or DNP.
The next prize will be awarded at EUROMAR2025 in Oulu.
Ampere and EUROMAR student travel stipends
Students can apply for "AMPERE - Magnetic Resonance" and “EUROMAR” student travel stipends, 500 €, which will be paid to students once the conference is over. The total support by AMPERE and EUROMAR is 5000 and 10 000 €, respectively (total 30 stipends). You can apply for the stipend in the abstract submission form. Deadline March 14.