
Elizaveta Suturina

University of Bath


ES was awarded a PhD following her work in computational chemistry in the group of Prof Nina Gritsan at Novosibirsk State University, Russia. In 2014, she moved to Germany to work with Prof Frank Neese at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion. In 2016, ES joined the group of Prof. Ilya Kuprov (University of Southampton, UK). ES has developed and implemented a novel methodology for paramagnetic NMR (pNMR) analysis that allowed re-examination of systematic trends in a series of lanthanide complexes. ES was awarded a Prize Fellowship at the University of Bath in 2018 to work on functional paramagnetic metal complexes and was appointed as a lecturer in 2020. In 2023, ES received New Investigator Award from EPSRC to bridge the gap between pNMR theory and experiment. She was promoted to the senior lecturer position at the University of Bath in 2024.