
Enrica Bordignon

University of Geneva


Enrica Bordignon is Full Professor in Physical Chemistry at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Previously, she has been Associate Professor at the Ruhr University Bochum and at the Free University of Berlin. The main achievements of the Bordignon lab include insights into the kinetics of transformation of a Megadalton toxin using an integrative approach with EPR spectroscopy, cryo-EM and single molecule fluorescence; the investigation of the structural assembly of apoptotic Bax pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane, and of the inhibitory complexes preventing apoptosis; the investigation of the plasticity of ABC transporters in vitro and in cell, the latter using spin-labeled nanobodies. Previously, after her PhD at the University of Padua, Enrica worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the University of Osnabrueck in the group of Prof. Heinz-Juergen Steinhoff and later as a postdoctoral fellow and senior researcher at ETH Zurich in the group of Prof. Gunnar Jeschke.