
Daniel Häussinger

University of Basel (CH), Department of Chemistry


DH studied chemistry at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (D) and received his PhD working in the group of Dieter Sellmann. Organometallic synthetic chemistry and NMR was the focus of his postdoctoral stay with Malcolm L. H. Green at the Inorganic Chemistry Lab of the University of Oxford (UK). Subsequently, a research project in protein NMR with Stephan Grzesiek at the Biozentrum Basel (CH) followed. In 2005, DH moved to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Basel, completed his habilitation there in 2009 and started his independent research group as a Privatdozent. In 2020, he was appointed as a Titularprofessor in analytical chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Basel. 

The focus of his research is the design, synthesis and application of paramagnetic lanthanoid chelating tags for integrated structural biology.